Fun and Frugal Mental Games for Your Dog

Dog owners know the importance of regular physical activity for their dogs. Walks, a run at the dog park, a game of fetch, various dog sports, and many other activities are enjoyed by dogs and their owners and are important for dogs’ health and well-being.

But what about that doggy gray matter? Engaging a dog’s brain is as important and necessary as physical exercise. Having our dogs use their brains as well as their bodies will ensure that we have healthy, well-rounded companions.

Most dogs love a puzzle. Giving your dog a brainteaser to creatively solve is a great way to bond with him and to learn more about how his brain works. Puzzle-solving also comes with behavioral benefits by channeling some energy into a fun activity. Pet supply stores carry many wonderful puzzle toys, but they can be quite pricy. With a little creativity, you can turn everyday items into fun puzzles for your dog to solve. Use these games any time you want a fun change of pace for your dog. They are also good to have at the ready during inclement weather, or if your dog’s physical activity is restricted for a medical reason. You know your pet best—use puzzle ideas that are the best fit for your dog. As with any new activity, check with your vet if you doubt the appropriateness of any of these games for your particular dog, and be sure to supervise your dog to ensure his safety. Have fun!


Bobbing for treats

Do this outside, or spread a big towel on the floor first. Make sure Buddy is watching you, and then place a bowl or tub of water on the floor and plop in several treats that won’t break up in water, such as small pieces of hot dog or cheese. Will Buddy go for it? Some dogs will plunge right in, and some seem not to like their noses getting wet. If your dog is the “No water on my nose, thank you,” type, you can start with just a small amount of water and gradually deepen it. You’ll also find that some treats float and some treats sink, which creates variation in this game for your dog.


Hmm, how do I get that treat?

Perhaps you’ve seen the toys that are filled with kibble, then the kibble falls out randomly when the dog knocks the toy around. Make a no-cost version using a milk jug, soda bottle, or any container with a narrow opening. Careful though: Many dogs are content just to knock the container around, but if your dog starts to chew on the container, take it away to avoid sharp edges. Trade it for a treat or a toy to keep things fun.


Pick one

Another fun challenge for your dog is diving for treats that have been hidden under furniture or a pillow, or under upturned paper cups or bowls. Let your dog watch you move the cups around in a canine version of the Shell Game.


Muffin tin game

Put a treat in each well of a muffin tin and cover each well with a tennis ball. Small toys would work as covers, too. Let Fluffy figure out how to get those treats she smells in there.



Many dogs love to rip things apart. Take a rag, place a smelly treat in the center and tie it up. This can be placed in yet another rag and tied up. Present this to your dog and watch her go. Use however many layers are needed to make the challenge an appropriate level for your dog. There are endless variations: old socks, paper bags, empty paper towel rolls, cereal boxes—anything you can place a treat inside of and close up is a candidate for this game. I’ve never known this game to cause a dog to start unauthorized grabbing or ripping of laundry or other items, but if you’re concerned about that, try one of the variations that uses something different, such as a paper bag. Do not let your dog play this game if she is the type to ingest what she rips apart.


Crazy for balls

If your dog is ball-crazy, let her see you put several balls in a tall bucket or box. Vary the position of the bucket: upright, upside-down, on its side—each position presents a new challenge as your dog solves the puzzle of how to get those balls. A five-gallon paint bucket once kept my smallish ball-loving Aussie challenged for a long time. Use caution with this one if you think your dog might be alarmed by the bucket falling over. Create a variation of this game by using toys instead of balls.


Hide and seek

An old standby. Put your dog in a stay or have a helper restrain him from following you. Choose a hiding place and call your dog. Make a big happy fuss when he finds you and even give him a treat. Bonus: Your dog’s recall may improve in other situations.


Suggestions of items and places in which to hide treats or toys

Paper bags of various sizes

Paper towel or toilet paper rolls with the ends folded

Margarine containers with a hole cut in the lid to let out the lovely smell (be careful of sharp edges)

Milk jugs, caps removed

Soda bottles, large or small, caps removed

Milk cartons of various sizes

Juice containers


Paper cups



Tennis ball with a slit in the side

Cereal boxes, macaroni dinner boxes, shipping boxes, any box


Muffin tins

Under the sofa

In a crate with the door mostly shut

Behind a gate or fence

Under the bed behind the bed skirt

In a closet with the door partly shut

In the bathtub

In a block of ice

Under a pile of children’s blocks

Under the dining room table behind a jumble of chair legs

Under a pile of newspaper

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Our Clients Say

"Working with Sarah is the most important thing in my life. The gentle, positive training of Savvy Canines continues to increase the amazing bond between us. As my disabilities increase, Sarah is learning new ways to help me, both at home and out in public."—Susan N. and “Sarah”
“Our instructor helps both human and animal understand and accommodate to one another. We were also impressed that Kay carries out her training sessions with a kind, gentle approach—even with the pet owner!” —Pamela and Roger H. and "Fred" and "Molly"
“The Savvy Canines trainers are knowledgeable, consistent, and competent and love dogs. Phyllis provides a flexible schedule, comes to my home, and the cost is reasonable and well worth it. The classes twice a month are great for Molly to meet other people and dogs and to show off what she has learned. Molly and I are very pleased with the training from Savvy Canines.”—Diane and “Molly”
“The clicker training technique Savvy Canines teaches is very simple, yet powerful. Dogs actually enjoy learning tasks their partners want them to do when the clicker is used properly.”—George and “Rover”
Our trainer has helped us establish a fantastic rapport with our dog! The clicker training has been great. Our dog is attuned to our needs and anticipates my commands for helping close doors on the cabinets and the refrigerator, and thoroughly enjoys adjusting the pedals on my wheelchair! We have been especially pleased with our trainer's willingness to work around our schedule because of my medical problems.—Mr. and Mrs. Larson
"We own and train Australian Shepherds, and when I became disabled, my wife thought I might benefit from a Service Dog. She made a call, and I was surprised when Phyllis Allen (whom I had seen on a TV program about service dogs) came to my house to tell us about the Service Dog training program. She explained the program, assessed my needs, and met the dog I intended to use for training. I was impressed that she would come to my home to meet us and to explain how the program worked. Phyllis is a superb teacher. Savvy Canines uses a positive training method called “clicker training.” Before I met Phyllis I had never used the clicker method, and I am now convinced that it is one of the best training tools for teaching a dog complex tasks. It is definitely a thing of beauty when your dog “gets it” and accomplishes a new skill."—Bruce and “Elwood”
"I am slowly getting back into the world as I recover from my neurological disorder, and this journey toward recovery has been greatly accelerated by training and living with my Service Dog. I spoke with people who had been devastated by their illnesses and had become virtual shut-ins, and I observed how training and living with a Service Dog changed them. Their lives were transformed by getting back into the world; these folks now have the confidence to “fight the good fight.” Then one day I saw that same confidence in myself. I now go just about everywhere with my Service Dog. I want to thank Phyllis Allan and Savvy Canines for being so amazingly kind and patient with me and my dog. I would definitely recommend Savvy Canines of Arizona to anyone who is considering training a Service Dog."—Bruce and “Elwood”
“The positive reinforcement we get from trainers at Savvy Canines of Arizona is exceptional, always so patient and helpful. Chloe is a work in progress, but she does make life easier by picking up dropped objects. We could not have done this on our own.” —Susan and "Chloe"
“Minnie and I have worked with Savvy Canines since its inception. From the first day Minnie has loved Phyllis and the training sessions with her. Minnie loves the challenges, the games (and the attention). The one service that sets Savvy Canines apart from other training programs is the individual attention to each client. They work around your schedule, find creative ways to get tasks accomplished, and do it all in a professional, caring way. Minnie and I LOVE the trainers and the time spent learning new tasks. Thank you Savvy Canines. You are pawsitively the BEST!”—Reva and “Minnie”
“Kay (our instructor) is terrific in helping people understand their canine friends. She has a real understanding of dog behavior and is able to quickly tune in to what is going on in a human-dog relationship.” —Pamela H. and "Molly"
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